If you are experiencing an issue with your Outlook 2010 starting in Safe Mode after running Windows Updates on or after 12/8/2015, here are the steps to resolve this problem.
Uninstall the KB3114409 Outlook 2010 update:
- Open Installed Updates by clicking the Start button
, clicking Control Panel, clicking Programs, and then, under Programs and Features, clicking View installed updates.
- Select the update KB3114409 to remove, right click, then click Uninstall.
If you’re prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation. (If you have an issue finding it in the list you can use the search in the top right of the screen)
- Restart Computer.
- Open Outlook 2010.
If you are asked if you would like to start in Safe Mode, select NO and delete the shortcut you launched Outlook from and add it back.