Creating a Disaster Recovery Plan

Creating a Disaster Recovery Plan

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Creating a Disaster Recovery Plan


Creating a Disaster Recovery Plan


In a recent post, we discussed the importance of backups for businessesThere are many threats that your data and systems face on a daily basis, from simple accidents to malicious attacks and more. While data backups can ensure important information isn’t lost, it’s only one part of a greater whole. 

To recover from disaster, you need a plan. Specifically, you need a disaster recovery plan. This is a wholistic strategy that prepares you for potential catastrophes and establishes systems for getting you back to 100%. 

A disaster recovery plan is essential for securing your IT systems and protecting yourself against threats. In fact, 80% of businesses that don’t have a disaster recovery plan will go out of business within a year of a serious issue. 

Creating a plan goes beyond establishing backups and protecting hardwareThis is an on-going, multistep process to account for all potential scenarios and develop clear courses of action and priority, should disaster arise. 

At DataYard, we act as both your IT support and your IT consultants in Dayton, Ohio. Our data center comes with the necessary functionality to backup and protect your data. Our IT staff is ready and waiting 24/7 when problems occur. And to make sure everything is accounted for, our consultants walk you through the process, simplifying what can be a very overwhelming responsibility. 

It all starts with making sure we understand your business and your needs.

Discovery and Analysis 

In the first phase of creating a disaster recovery plan, we look at potential risks and exposure while establishing priorities. We need to understand what can go wrong and what will happen next. If one system fails, who does that affect? What other systems and services might that impact? 

Once we understand the pieces, we can establish and prioritize action steps. This includes setting roles and responsibilities for the people involved so that when something goes wrong, there’s no question of who needs to know and what needs to happen. 

Meeting Compliance 

If you operate under compliance standards such as HIPAA or NIST, there will likely be requirements you have to meet for disaster recovery and the handling of backups. At DataYard, we are well versed in a vast range of compliance standards, ensuring that you stay compliant with the necessary standards. 

Preparing for the Worst 

In the world of information technology, there’s really no such thing as being too prepared. With our suite of IT services at your disposal, you can focus on your business and rest assured that your systems are ready for whatever might come their way. 

Make Sure You're Prepared for Disasters


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