Once a month meals

Cooking up opportunity for online growth


With a fully-fledged blog and an extremely loyal following, Once a Month Meals runs a successful site showcasing the time savings and healthy options offered by freezer-cooking with the freshest ingredients. Utilizing frozen portion sizes for daily convenience, busy moms and families alike use the advice and recipes offered by OAMM to reduce time spent in the kitchen and increase deliciousness!

In 2012, OAMM implemented a membership service offering premium features, and their existing cloud server couldn’t take the load. OAMM Founder and President Tricia Callahan reported, “We were constantly having to increase our usage, increase our plan premiums, and monitor site traffic and membership to ensure the site wasn’t going to cripple.” As they say, if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen – OAMM and DataYard were introduced.

After infrastructure design discussions, a technical recommendation was made and DataYard began to manage the OAMM infrastructure via the VIP service in August 2013. “We moved to DataYard so that we could have a more customized server that would allow for the load and traffic volume fluctuations that we experience regularly. DataYard worked with our web team to create a solution for us that would both serve our audience and our pocketbook by allowing us to increase our needs as needed without the added expense when we have lower volumes”, Tricia said.

Since then, OAMM has seen increased growth of membership and wide-spread publicity across the online community. DataYard has responded by expanding the capacity of the load-balanced production environment and introducing a development and testing area for future site improvements and membership features. System Administrator Ryan Chewning enjoys the technical challenge and the relationship with OAMM’s web team, “Working with Joel at OAMM on their environment is always enjoyable and collaborative. Continuing to improve the site performance – from an infrastructure and server application perspective – is always the primary goal, and something I’m happy to be a part of.”

The OAMM train doesn’t seem to be slowing down, and DataYard is excited to be a part of the fast-paced foodie future.



“Since making the change, we have experienced no site down time like we experienced in the past, better than average site load times, and fantastic customer service. We are more than pleased with the product and the people at DataYard.”

Tricia Callahan

President, Once a Month Meals


Finding the right technology to support your business can be a challenge – but we love a challenge. Let’s talk.