How do I use WordPress with my Linux Fusion website?
How do I use WordPress with my Linux Fusion website? Installation guide for WordPress on a Linux Fusion site. Running WordPress CMS (content management system) on your Fusion website is quite simple. If you’ve ever wanted to use WordPress to manage your web site, but didn’t know how to get started, we’ve put together a […]
What steps should I take if I choose to switch from POP to IMAP?
What steps should I take if I choose to switch from POP to IMAP? The steps needed to switch your account from POP3 to IMAP. When switching your account from POP to IMAP, you want to make sure that you don’t lose any important information during the transition. This blog will show you the easiest […]
How can I reset the password for my E-mail account?
DataYard does not keep passwords stored in plain text for security reasons so we are unable to retrieve current passwords. Passwords can be reset by our support staff as needed. Please contact technical support contact support. If you have a password that you would like to use please make sure that you provide it to […]
How can I add additional Disk Space to my VDC virtual instance?
How can I add additional Disk Space to my VDC virtual instance? Assistance with adding additional Disk Space to your VDC. If you are in need of additional Disk Space in your VDC virtual instance you can contact DataYard Sales at 937-226-6896 or e-mail [email protected] for a price quote. The initial amount of disk space […]
What dates are available for Ready Backup restores?
What dates are available for Ready Backup restores? Find the dates that have available backups from your Ready Backup service. DataYard’s default retention policy for all customer backups includes 7 (seven) daily backups and 4 (four) weekly backups. This gives you 10 restore points by default, with the oldest being a month. For example, if you’re […]
How can I direct multiple domain names to my site?
How can I direct multiple domain names to my site? Who you call to configure multiple domain names to point to one website will vary depending on who your domain is registered through and where it’s hosted. If they are in the same place, it makes this process rather simple. First, each domain will need […]
How can I get Data Center access for a new employe
How can I get Data Center access for a new employee? What steps do I take to get a new employee access to the Data Center? To request an access card for a new employee please, contact support. Be sure to have the following information available: Full Name of the new employee Company Job Title […]
How can I get after hours assistance in the Data Center?
How can I get after hours assistance in the Data Center? How to contact DataYard support staff for after-hours Data Center support. Data Center employees are on site to assist you Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm. If you are in need of assistance outside of our normal business hours, please contact support to schedule […]
How can I get a server in the Data Center power cycled?
How can I get a server in the Data Center power cycled? Assistance with power cycling a server in DataYard’s Data Center. If you have a server located inside DataYard’s Data Center and need this device power cycled, please contact support. We will work with you to resolve the issue quickly. Please be sure to […]
What are DataYard’s Data Center Standards?
What are DataYard’s Data Center Standards? Standards that are enforced within the Data Center. All customers’ entering DataYard’s Data Center must be aware of the following standards set and maintained by DataYard: The client may never modify or tamper with any equipment existing inside the data center(s) which is not listed in the Deployment Specifics […]