If email is the lifeblood to business communications then junk email is the cancer that eats away it. We know the importance of email to the success of an organization, so as our customers’ and our own mailboxes began to fill with more and more junk email we knew we had to take some new corrective action. Back in early February we detected roughly 30% of all email that was sent to our customer base as junk email. Over a two week interval we process around 1.2 million messages, detecting roughly 400 thousand messages as junk. Although 1/3 of email is a pretty high percentage to be detected as junk, it was clearly not high enough.

During the course of February we evaluated new options and ways to improve our junk mail filtering system. After different tweaks and changes, we were able to increase our sustained junk mail detection to 50% of all email with little, to no, increase in false positives.

Although these improvements are great, we know that the war against junk email is never over. We will continue to hone and tweak our environment to ensure that our customers’ mailboxes stay as clean as possible.