This past week had major ups in downs in terms of our project’s completion. We had setup a proper serial port connection in order to communicate with the Roomba via Pi, however early in the week we ran into some hurdles and could no longer communicate with the Roomba. Numerous attempts were made to solve this issue not only by us, but by fellow co-workers as well, but to no avail. Early next week we will attempt to make a hard-line serial connection from laptop to Roomba in a better attempt to solve the issue. With the lack of the Roomba platform we were still able to setup some of the other major parameters of the project. We have successfully setup a digital IR line reading device on a separate platform, as well as a DHT22 temperature/humidity sensor. In the following weeks we plan on setting up a QR code reader via a Pi NOIR camera to give us some reference points as to where our bot is in the data center.
The major task for next week will be setting up the hard-line serial circuit, and potentially getting some semi-permanent circuits setup on whichever platform we end up using.