How can I reset the password for my E-mail account?

How can I reset the password for my E-mail account?

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How can I reset the password for my E-mail account?

How can I reset the password for my E-mail account?

DataYard does not keep passwords stored in plain text for security reasons so we are unable to retrieve current passwords. Passwords can be reset by our support staff as needed.

Please contact technical support contact support.

If you have a password that you would like to use please make sure that you provide it to us and that it abides by the following minimum password requirements:

  • Passwords must be at least 6 characters in length and include a minimum of 1 numeral or special character (examples: %$&^&*)
  • Passwords can NOT contain the username. For example if your username is [email protected] the word ‘test’ cannot be part of your password.

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